On Thursday 2nd March, our Junior School pupils celebrated World Book Day. The day started with an extended assembly to celebrate our love of books and give us the chance to admire everyone’s fabulous costumes. The boys had been asked to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ when planning their outfits and some of them really went the extra mile as the photographs show!



The whole morning was spent off timetable completing book-related activities on our chosen theme of Never ‘Board’ of Books! All boys were asked to design games based on a book or a series that they knew well. J1 and J2 were given blank templates to complete ‘Top Trumps’ cards and J3 and J4 designed board games using their chosen titles. The ‘Top Trumps’ cards have been a firm favourite to play in the library during breaktime since they were designed on Thursday – so it is safe to say that this activity continues to capture the boys’ imagination!



World Book Day would not be complete without our Reading Carousel, where JS staff volunteer to read books to small groups of pupils. This year the books were chosen because they had either inspired the teacher’s choice of dress up or explored the idea of games in some way to support the theme of the day. Roaming the JS while Reading Carousel takes place was a sight to behold: the boys were spellbound as they lost themselves in literary worlds shared with them by our fabulous readers.



This year our celebrations continued into the afternoon; J3 and J4 walked up to Blackwell’s, still in their dress up, where they enjoyed an author talk given by Rhian Tracey about her book I, Spy, which is her debut novel for children. The boys were enthralled by Rhian’s talk which is set in Bletchley Park during World War 2; there were so many fabulous questions it was clear that she had given them a lot to think about.



After a quick browse around Blackwell’s, the opportunity to purchase Rhian’s book and have it personally dedicated by her, it was time to return to the JS for the end of the day. A crocodile of young boys walking through Oxford always draws attention, but when everyone, staff included, are in fancy dress, we discovered this takes the walk, and smiles, to new levels! This is sure to have been a World Book Day that no one will forget in a hurry!