Gifts to MCS from our community – whether financial, of time, or of expertise – are decisive, visible, and valued. The depth and range of support that MCS garners ensures that the school continues to flourish and widen its reach far beyond the individuals in our care, in keeping with William Waynflete’s ethos.

Bursaries and Hardship

Our bursary programme ensures that young people who would flourish at MCS are given the opportunity, regardless of their family’s financial circumstances. The majority of donations given this year supported bursaries and hardship grants at MCS.

The 2023-24 Impact Report reveals how OWs, parents, pupils, staff, governors and Friends offer their support in numerous ways, for which we are hugely grateful.


Our inspirational bursary stories illustrate how MCS offers support to pupils in a way that can be transformational.

Approximately 10% of Senior School pupils are in receipt of bursaries or hardship grants, thanks to the generosity of our donors. With the support of our community, the generosity of our Modern Founders, and through the 1480 Society, we have made strong progress towards our goal of achieving an endowment fund of £15 million by 2030, the 550th anniversary of the school. We have already secured over £6 million towards this ambitious target. Every gift counts and helps towards achieving our goal.

make a gift to support bursaries

It has always been important to me that I would support bursaries. The School stood me in good stead.

Nick Turner OW 1987


By naming buildings and bursaries after major benefactors, MCS recognises the generosity of donors and continues the tradition of one generation at MCS supporting the next.

The Richard Record Sixth Form building is a gift to future pupils, part funded through generous donations.

See more about what this building has meant to the school.

Be part of this

Regular giving, the 1480 Society, Legacies, and volunteering all have a profound impact on enriching the experience of MCS pupils and enabling the school to have a positive impact in Oxford, Oxfordshire and further afield.

Please get in touch if you’d like to know more about the work of the Waynflete Office and how to join us in supporting MCS.