Magdalen College School’s Careers Education programme takes place throughout the pupils’ time in the Senior School, from Year 7 through to the Sixth Form. The programme aims to prepare pupils, in a broad sense, for their life beyond school.

Throughout the programme, pupils extend their knowledge of the different pathways open to them in higher education and the world of work, as well as gaining an understanding of the skills they may need to pursue those pathways. At MCS, we recognise that choosing a career is a process not an event. They are supported in developing their knowledge of themselves, their skills, interests and aptitudes, and of how these may prepare them for the possibilities open to them in the future.

The programme brings pupils into contact with organisations and people beyond the school and helps them develop a sense of themselves as citizens, and of the contribution they may make to the community both when at school and afterwards. Pupils are encouraged to appreciate less usual careers pathways, as well as those with which they are more familiar; and support is offered to all pupils, whatever their interest. As such the programme plays an important part in fulfilling the school’s aims of enabling pupils to learn, flourish and serve, and in maintaining its ethos of enquiry, endeavour and toleration.

Careers Education is embedded throughout the academic curriculum and extracurricular activities. A few key highlights of the programme include:

  • Lilium curriculum: The school’s own Lilium curriculum throughout the Senior School explores numerous related areas such as interpersonal relationships, citizenship and finance. In the Fifth Form, pupils undertake a Careers module, which explores topics such as skills profiles, CVs and work experience.
  • Careers Workshops: We maintain close links with our parent and OW network, and we regularly host several lunchtime careers workshops each term to allow pupils to gain valuable insights into various career paths.
  • Careers Fair: We host a biannual careers fair with over 50 guest speakers, largely consisting of parents and OWs in a range of careers areas. This is event is an excellent opportunity for pupils to explore a wide range of career paths that they may not have considered before.

If you would be willing to provide support for our Careers Fair or at a Careers Workshop, please do get in touch.

  • Specialist programmes in Engineering and Medicine, provided by teachers with specialist knowledge and experience in these areas.
  • Careers Drop-in Sessions: To provide pupils with one-to-one support, there is a weekly careers drop-in session available to all pupils to explore their career options.
  • Morrisby Feedback and Unifrog: The school subscribes to both Morrisby and Unifrog – platforms which allow pupils to explore their interests, strengths and weaknesses to build up their skills profiles, and research different career paths and university options.
  • Work Experience: Pupils are encouraged to pursue work experience at the end of Fifth Form (and for many again in the Lower Sixth). To this end, support on writing CVs and making applications is provided during Fifth Form Lilium and through year group assemblies.

Dr David Roche serves as Head of Careers at MCS, and is responsible for planning and coordinating the Careers Education programme. If you have any queries, or would like to offer your support for the school’s Careers Education programme, please don’t hesitate to get in touch here.


Please read through our latest Careers Newsletter to see what’s been happening recently in the Careers Education Programme at MCS:


Look through the programme from the 2024 Careers Fair to find out about all the guidance and opportunities available to pupils at this event: