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Dear OWs and Friends, 

July has not only seen the first Virtual Leavers’ Service, but the launch of this summer’s Conveniamus fundraising campaign. Old Waynfletes and Friends alike are coming together in the spirit of Conveniamus to help pupils of all backgrounds secure an MCS education.

And to top it off, summer has properly arrived here in Oxford – at the time of writing the weather is a delightful 32 degrees.  If you are further afield, we certainly hope you are enjoing similarly sunny climes.


Blackbaud Response

We draw your attention to the information we sent out this week about the Blackbaud software breach, which has affected us along with many other schools, universities and charities. Thank you to all those who have written to MCS regarding the school’s response – we are very grateful for your understanding.

For more details, please visit the school’s statement here.

In the spirit of ‘Conveniamus‘, the MCS community is coming together to raise funds for hardship and bursaries.

Conveniamus means to come together, convene, unify in agreement.  It feels particularly apt now, given our wish to convene, were it not for the pandemic. But together, we can still help future pupils from all backgrounds secure an MCS education.

Raising hardship and bursary funds will allow us to support not only those who are profoundly affected by the pandemic, but also ensure that MCS is able to recruit a strong cohort of pupils drawn from all parts of society.

Our Conveniamus campaign runs from Saturday 4th July 2020 (Commem) through to late September 2020. The first £50,000 of gifts will be matched by an OW who is donating in memory of inspirational MCS teacher Nigel Bates.

OWs and Friends have raised over £32,400 toward this goal so far.

To find out more, visit our website or click below. We look forward to sharing more Conveniamus news  with you next week, and give a sincere thank you to our incredibly supportive MCS community!



Master’s article on teenagers in lockdown

Read the Master’s views on how teenagers have fared during lockdown, including the revelations of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) versus FOGO (Fear of Going Out) in an article for Independent Education Today.

OW News

We were saddened to hear the news that Colin Francis (OW 1941) had passed away. Colin was one of the boys in the now infamous Ice Floe picture from the winter of 1940, when the Cherwell froze over and boys used an ice floe as a makeshift punt. It is thought that Colin Francis had been the last surviving OW from the photograph.

Read more about Colin’s life here.


Thank you to our Key Workers 

This week we thank OW Jack Harberd (2014), musician, researcher and covid-era Tesco deliverer!
“I’ve been working in music since graduating from York in 2018; singing, teaching/leading workshops, and research for music TV.

While most of my work was cancelled overnight as soon as the lockdown was announced, some of it was resurrected: the wonderful donors of the St Martin-In-The-Fields Choral Scholarship have kindly agreed to continue funding us for an adapted, online programme. We now record ourselves at home and take turns in mixing and editing to produce hymns and anthems for the CoE online services, as well as other one-off projects. We also record plainchant services over Zoom, taking a line each at a time, which are broadcast from the SMITF Facebook page. Our most recent Morningsong broadcast reached around 5000 people, while the most recent hymns had 40,000 downloads.

TV work is still managing to go ahead slowly and in a socially distanced manner. I’m looking forward to the release of a documentary on conductor Bernard Haitink, for which I have been working as a researcher. It is due to be released on UK television over the next few months, so look out for it!

In the meantime, I’m back in Oxford, enjoying delivering everyone’s shopping, and using Tesco as an excuse to put off thinking about the next steps…”

Thank you, Jack, for helping to keep Oxford fed and for keeping music going!

It has been a delight to spread good news about OWs making a positive impact on the world right now.

Please keep sending photos and updates to the Waynflete Office – click here to read the stories sent in so far!


And finally… 

Watch Kevin Zheng, OW 2020 (!) take on another ’80s classic in his multi-cello version of Toto’s Africa!

Keeping in Touch

We are always thinking of our MCS community and endeavour to help you feel connected to the school.

You can keep in touch with the school on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, as well as the Waynflete Office on our Facebook and Twitter.

In order for us to keep in touch with you, please notify us if your contact details change via the new online form on our website.  

If you would like to organise a virtual reunion or reach out to long lost school friends, please let us know via email. The MCS Strava group is also serving to keep members of the MCS community healthy, connected and motivated.

We are pleased to continue to receive your submissions to the Pandemic Papers, and are grateful to the MCS community for your support of our Conveniamus campaign.

With best wishes,

Susie, Alan, Allison, Kristina, Maddy, and Rob

The virtual Waynflete Office


Magdalen College School
Oxford OX4 1DZ

Join us in supporting bursaries at MCS 

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Phone: 07501 373933


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