The new Sixth Form Centre will be named in memory of Richard Record, who died suddenly while a pupil in the Upper Sixth at MCS in April 1968. Richard’s brother Neil Record (OW 1971) has made a donation of more than £1 million toward the Centre and the governors are delighted to announce the naming.

Tom Kirkwood (OW 1968) recently spoke about Richard: “Those of us who knew Richard are sad that the future didn’t happen for him but we are delighted that his special character is reflected in a centre that makes opportunities a reality for the young people who followed him.”

A short film featuring Neil and Tom talking about the school and about Richard has been made so that pupils, staff, parents and OWs will know a little more about the story behind the name. View the film below.



The Centre will be opened in February by OW Sir Tim Hunt, Nobel Laureate.

The Sixth Form campaign has been running since May 2016 to support the new building and Sixth Form Bursaries and now stands at just £180,000 short of £3 million. Donations towards buildings or to help with bursaries or other areas of school life can be made online

Make a gift


If you would like to make a gift from the US we work with the British Schools and Universities Fund (BSUF). You can give via BSUF, either online or by sending them a cheque.

Please ensure that you make your cheque out to BSUF in US dollars stating a preference at the bottom of the cheque for Magdalen College School, Oxford, and let them know if you have a particular project you would like to support (eg bursaries).

Please download a BSUF Gift Form and send it with your cheque to ensure they have all the necessary information.