The seventh annual MCS MUN (Model United Nations) Conference took place over the weekend 29th February – 1st March. Pupils and teachers attended from 25 schools all over England: some traveled from as far as Stonyhurst College in Lancashire, King’s Bruton in Somerset, and Mayfield School in Sussex.

The conference opening ceremony was addressed by Professor Eugene Rogan, Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History and Director of St Antony’s College Middle East Centre. Then everyone went off to join their committees: Disarmament, Economic and Financial, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Historic, and Political, as well as the International Court of Justice, and the Security Council. These were all chaired by MCS pupils, and one guest chair from Mayfield  School and every committee was complimented on the quality of debate.

The General Assembly gathered on Sunday, to discuss a (thankfully fictional) attack on the President of the USA by Iranian forces. Other important issues discussed included Social Credit and Female Genital Mutilation.

As is customary, the popular conference newspaper was produced by MCS pupils. A number of junior boys also provided enormous help as ‘Special Agents’ – without these, the committees might struggle to complete their business, so we are grateful to them for their hard work.

You can read the paper here MUN Conference Newspaper


Special thanks must also go to Mr Kostyanovsky and Mr Ryan and the other members of staff who helped to organise the weekend.

The conference was a great success, and many of the visitors left already expressing their hope to return in 2021 for MCS MUN VIII. A fantastic example of our cross-sector partnership involving 25 schools.