Magdalen College School is delighted to announce that Master Helen Pike has won ‘Best Head of a Public School’ at the Tatler Schools Awards 2024. Awarded to ‘the head of a public school who goes above and beyond’, nominations are drawn from a variety of sources, including public votes, as part of a rigorous selection process.

Following the news, the Master said “I am surprised and delighted to win this, not least because the shortlist placed me in such distinguished company. The award belongs to everyone at MCS, and I was honoured to accept it. It was a pleasure to meet some of the Tatler Schools Guide researchers, who put such a huge amount of work into producing the guide, at the awards ceremony. I am also glad that it was a strong evening for Oxfordshire, with our neighbours Radley and St Hugh’s crowned best Public and best Prep Schools of the Year, too.”


Master Helen Pike with Tatler education editor Tori Cadogan

The award belongs to everyone at MCS, and I was honoured to accept it.

Master Helen Pike

The Tatler Schools Awards, an annual event organised by Tatler magazine, celebrates excellence in the independent education sector. Helen’s award follows a superb review of Magdalen College School in the Tatler Schools Guide 2024, an impartial guide to the top public and prep schools in the UK. The guide recognised MCS’ ‘outstanding’ academic results whilst highlighting the school’s music provision, including House Music and Madrigals on the River.


Master Helen Pike and the other Tatler Schools Awards 2024 winners


Thank you to the Tatler Schools team for their hard work organising the awards and honouring MCS in this way.