Sport plays a central role in the lives of boys in the Junior School. A strong pupil-centred ethos helps create a fantastic environment for each child to enjoy everything that sport can offer.
We have specialist PE and Games staff who know how to draw the best out of young children, and our balanced fixture programme enables pupils to enjoy the start of their sporting journey. We are also fortunate to have excellent facilities that utilise not only the Senior School but also the local community.
Sport provision in the Junior School is divided into two distinct and separate areas: Physical Education is the teaching of Swimming, Gymnastics, FUNdamental Movement Skills (FMS), Tennis and Athletics while Games encompasses the school’s focus sports of Football, Rugby, Hockey and Cricket. During a given week pupils receive a double period of Physical Education and two double periods of Games. The majority of these sessions are run by specialist PE teachers and we are particularly fortunate to utilise the expertise of Senior School staff. To supplement these sessions, optional sports clubs are run after school on a Thursday and Friday, allowing pupils to further develop their enjoyment for our focus sports. When required, we will also seek out further opportunities for children who may play a sport externally to a high level in which the school does not yet specialise.
An extensive and well-balanced fixture programme enables all pupils whatever their experience to represent the school in the focus sports of Football, Rugby, Hockey and Cricket. With close to 300 fixtures throughout the year, our C and D teams will have at least two fixtures a term in the focus sport with those in the A and B teams playing a full fixture card.
A vibrant House culture also creates opportunities for pupils to compete in termly House competitions, with the annual House Cross Country and Sports Day being highlights of the year. The programme is further supplemented by an opportunity for individuals to compete in sports such as Cross Country, Swimming, Athletics and Tennis.
Our focus is on developing the pupils’ physical abilities in preparation for lifelong involvement in sport, raising confidence and an understanding of health and well-being. At MCS, we are confident in providing an environment ready and able to engage children new to sport, enthuse and develop those children to grow in confidence and push those children who are already performing at the highest level for their age.
Award winning School Field with three Rugby pitches, two Cricket squares and eight grass Tennis courts
Sports Hall with Badminton, Basketball, Indoor Hockey, Netball and Cricket net provision
Milham Ford – all weather Tennis and Netball courts
Studio – dance studio with sprung floor
Gym – range of cardiovascular, free weights and conditioning facilities
Climbing Wall – attached to the Sports Hall
Direct access to the river from school for the Rowing Club and indoor facility
Christ Church playing fields – Rugby, Football, Cricket pitches, Grass Tennis courts as well as the artificial surface MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area)
Magdalen College playing fields – Cricket, Rugby, Football pitches as well Squash and Tennis courts
Merton College playing fields – Rugby, Cricket and Football
Marston Road astro hockey pitch
Oxford Hawks water-based astro hockey pitches
Iffley Road University Sports Centre, Athletics Track and Swimming Pool
Farmoor Reservoir for the Sailing Club