On Friday 30 April, The Cathedral Music Trust announced the appointment of Alexander Armstrong as its Ambassador and three of our young Choristers were lucky enough to meet him.

Max and Leo (Second Form) and Freddie (J4) met the presenter, comedian and actor as they prepared for their performance in this year’s May Morning Celebrations, set to be held online for a second year.

Alexander is a former Chorister at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh, and cites his time in the Choir as one of the most important and formative experiences of his life. He went on to sing as a choral scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge.


"I owe my entire career to my experience as a Chorister. It's where I learnt to perform ...to use the full range of my voice... to write comedy... to listen"

Alexander Armstrong, former Chorister

As part of his new role, he will promote the Trust’s work, nurturing the next generation of cathedral musicians like our young Choristers.

[Photo Credit: John Cairns, 2021]