Best-selling children’s author Robin Stevens visited MCS to launch the publication of her latest book this afternoon. Arranged in association with her publisher Penguin Random House and Blackwell’s, an audience in excess of 500 filled Big School – including pupils from five visiting partner primary schools! A popular author amongst Junior School boys, it was a great privilege to hear Robin speak.



The children joined Robin creating their own super-sleuth mission as they all learnt the key components of a good murder-mystery story. It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, and fabulous to witness so much enthusiasm from the children. Keen to get their hands on this latest title as they queued at the pop-up bookshop, they were able to meet Robin who signed each and every copy sold.

The Ministry of Unladylike Activity is set in 1940 during the Second World War, where a secret arm of the British government called the Ministry of Unladylike Activity is training spies to help with the war effort. We are sure this cracking read will be another best-seller for Robin!