Jonathan Stroud, author of Lockwood & Co. and the Bartimaeus trilogy spoke to 150 pupils from MCS and Partnership schools on Tuesday to launch the third installment of his Scarlett & Browne series, which released on 16 January. The event kicked off his tour of the UK, which takes place over the next three weeks.



As well as discussing his latest novel and the series as a whole, Jonathan reviewed the different cover art for the series from around the world and took feedback from the audience to discern their overall favourite: the new UK covers were certainly preferred over the US ones! Another highlight included one of the Partnership pupils dressing up as the protagonist of the series – Scarlett.

The new UK covers were certainly preferred over the US ones!


Jonathan also shared some of his very early writing from primary school, and how his writing process had evolved over the years: the importance of both having a really brilliant idea to carry through the work, but also not overlooking the importance of sitting down to ensure the structure worked. The visiting pupils found this the most interesting aspect of the talk, sharing that it had raised their aspirations to see where this best-selling author had started off.

After the event, MCS distributed free copies of the 2025 shortlist for the ever-popular Oxfordshire Book Awards to over 50 schools – more schools join us each year for this fantastic event and we have had 26 new schools register their interest this year, which is wonderful.