The Bridge is Magdalen College School’s academic enrichment programme for high achieving Year 5 girls and boys drawn from primary schools across Oxford. 

The aim of the programme is to develop intellectual curiosity, nurture talent and promote a passion for learning. The programme runs each year from January until December and involves monthly Saturday morning sessions at MCS and a two-day summer school in July. Participating children are nominated by their Headteacher, and preference is given to those where the impact is likely to be greatest. There is no cost for pupils to take part in The Bridge and MCS provides all necessary learning materials.

"It's helped me be more confident around people and helped me at school"

The Bridge pupil

It is hoped that a number of pupils taking part in The Bridge will wish to make an application with their parents and carers for a place at an independent school. We provide support for those applying to Magdalen College School and  other independent schools. Full details of the MCS Bursary support scheme is shared with all participants.

of participants reported feeling more confident
reported reading more
reported they enjoyed maths more
felt more knowledgeable about secondary school

Upon joining the programme, each pupil receives a welcome bag containing educational materials and a The Bridge t-shirt to wear to each session. A dedicated The Bridge library is available which is stocked with copies of exciting, recently published titles; at the beginning of each Saturday school session participants are encouraged to swap their books and to read as widely as possible.

The Bridge Curriculum

During each session, pupils will have a Maths and English lesson before break followed by Sport and a ‘guest’ subject afterwards. Guest subjects have included Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Drama, DT, Economics, Engineering, German, Latin and Politics. In Sport, pupils have enjoyed Badminton, Cricket, Dodge Ball, Football, Table Tennis and Team Building.

The Bridge Summer School takes place in July. This year we spent a day in school learning English, Maths, Politics and Philosophy before pond-dipping in the Biology Pond. On the second day, we visited Wytham Woods, on the outskirts of Oxford, where we went on a nature walk with their resident bug expert and attended a workshop led by Poet-in-Residence.

Throughout the year, there are also one-off events such as a creative writing workshop with a well-known author, and programme ends with a graduation ceremony in December, where The Bridge pupils and their families celebrate their achievements.

Dates and Times

The programme tends to run on the first Saturday of every month during term time. The day begins at 9.15am and ends at 12.35pm, with a break time in the middle, where snacks are provided.

Contact Information and How to Join

To be enrolled in The Bridge, pupils need to be nominated by their primary school. Usually, pupils are nominated by their form tutor or headteacher. We then look at work from those pupils and decide who will benefit most from the programme. MCS approaches schools in the autumn prior to the January when The Bridge starts. In 2023, 29 children from 13 primary schools were enrolled on the programme.

If you would like to hear more about The Bridge, please email Jo Pick, Teacher of Economics and The Bridge Programme Coordinator.

"My son is very much enjoying his time at The Bridge and loves his visits to MCS. The whole process has given him an added zest for learning"

The Bridge parent