Rose Hill Community Larder

In 2019 the MCS Community came together to create this exciting initiative to run Rose Hill Community Larder, with a mission to reduce food waste and provide access to good, affordable food.

The larder is run in partnership with SOFEA (the South Oxfordshire Food and Education Alliance), a charity established by MCS alumnus Richard Kennell. The charity aims are to enable the transformation of people’s lives, and their communities, with a major focus on young people by tackling food insecurity while having a positive impact on the environment. The charity rescues and re-distributes food surplus to community organisations throughout the Thames Valley region, providing access to inexpensive, high-quality food and reducing wastage.

About the project

When Every Tuesday, 2.15 – 3.45pm. Check our Facebook page for updates on events and timings.
Where Rose Hill Community Centre
Who Everybody is welcome.
How Visit the SOFEA website  where our friendly colleagues will help you sign up. The monthly cost is £14 for a single/couple membership or £28 for a family which allows you to choose 10 (or 20) grocery items per week. Fresh fruit and vegetables are unlimited!

How is MCS involved?

Rose Hill Community Larder is managed by a dedicated team of MCS staff, assisted by pupil volunteers as part of the school’s Community Service Organisation (CSO) programme whereby the Lower Sixth contributes to community projects across Oxfordshire for one afternoon a week. The pupil volunteers are assisted by additional helpers from the MCS parent and staff body during term holidays. It regularly supports over 300 local people.

Based at the Rose Hill Community Centre Social Club, the Larder enables members, almost all of whom are local residents, to choose grocery items and collect fresh fruit and vegetables which would otherwise go to waste. Members also receive free toiletries and household cleaning products, recipe cards, holiday activity packs for children and Christmas gifts.

In addition to the weekly grocery collections, the Larder partners with 13 local agencies and organisations who offer a range of services to residents in OX4, including The Hygiene Bank, Rose Hill Community Health and Ruskin College, who offer free English language lessons to Larder members.

The impact of Rose Hill Community Larder in our local community in 2024:

tonnes of food diverted from landfill
boxes of groceries and bags of fruit and vegetables
hours of MCS community volunteer hours
Groceries at Rose Hill Community Larder

How to support the Community Larder