USHER: Mr T.M.G.J. Beaumont, MA Cantab, History, Safeguarding Officer
DEPUTY HEAD (ACADEMIC): Mr B.D. White, BA Oxon, Mathematics
BURSAR: Mrs K. A. Nicholson, BComm, Canberra ICAA
Dr C.G. Pearson, BSc Keele, DPhil Oxon (Head of Sixth Form)
Mr P.J. McDonald, MA Oxon (Director of Higher Education)
Mr R.A. Edwards, MA Oxon, MSc London (Co-Head of Upper Sixth)
Miss K.J. Rooney, BSc Dundee (Co-Head of Upper Sixth)
Miss L.A. Taylor, BA, MSt Oxon (Co-Head of Upper Sixth)
Miss A.F. Holland, BSc Liverpool, MA London (Co-Head of Lower Sixth)
Mr N.A.P. Marshall, MA Cantab (Co-Head of Lower Sixth)
Mr T.P. Cooper, BSc London (Head of Middle School and 5th Form)
Mr R.A. Hemingway, BA Oxon (Head of Lower School and 2nd Form)
Mr J.C.P. Otley, BA, MA Courtauld (Head of U4th)
Mr H.W.A. Macklin, BA Cantab (Head of L4th)
Mr T.S. Sobey, MMath Bath (Head of 3rd Form)
Mr M. Penton, BA Exeter (Surmaster)
Dr A.J. Hearmon, MPhys, DPhil Oxon (Director of Studies)
Mr T.E. Skipwith, BSc Edinburgh (Deputy Safeguarding Officer, Head of Junior School)
Mrs C.J. Kelly-Eldridge, BMus Belfast, MA Oxford Brookes (Deputy Head of Junior School – Pastoral)
Mr J.P. Terry, BA Exeter, MSt Oxon (Deputy Head of Junior School – Academic)
Miss R.F. Thomas, BA Leeds (Head of Junior School Mathematics)
Mr G.E. Setterfield BSc Oxford Brookes (Head of Junior School Sport)
Mrs L. Bibby, BSc Exeter
Mrs A.E. Felice, BEd Flinders University
Miss K.E. Garmston, BA Exeter
Ms H.R. Gwillim-Thomas, MEng Nottingham
Miss N.I. Hackett, BA Exeter
Mr M.R.J. Jennings, BMus Edinburgh, LGSM (Head of Instrumental Music)
Mrs E.A. Wiggins, BSc Exeter
Mrs L. Brooks, BA London, MA London (Librarian)
Mr D.E. Sellis (Assistant Organist and Tutor to the Choristers)
Mr C.J. Lion-Cachet (JS Sports Waynflete Intern)
Mr C.A. Winder (JS Sports Waynflete Intern)
Mrs S. Birket, BSc UCLan (KS2 Teaching Assistant)
Dr C.M Clancy, MSc, MSc, DPhil Oxford, (KS2 Teaching Assistant)
Miss A.T. Baikie (Classroom Assistant)
Miss M.H. Chavda, BA Warwick (Classroom Assistant)
Mr B.J. Jones (Classroom Assistant)
Mr N.J. Moyse (Chess Coach)
Mrs M. Bende, MA Szeged (Afterschool Care Supervisor)
Co-Head of Art: Mr C.J.P. Otley, MA Courtauld (Head of U4th)
Co-Head of Art: Mrs H.J. Rutter, BA Boston, BA Oxford Brookes
Head of DT:Â Mr T.P. Hunter, BA Manchester School of Art
Mr W.H. Hlaing, BSc UWE
Ms O.C. Kennedy, BA Falmouth, MA Royal College of Art
Miss C. Anastaciou, BA Cardiff (Art Technician)
Ms R.H. Leech, BA Edinburgh (DT Technician)
Mr B.M.S. Flanagan, BA Falmouth (Artist in Residence)
Head of Biology: Mrs J.L. Gladstone, MA Cantab
Dr R.K. Hamer, BA Cantab, DPhil Oxon
Dr C.G. Pearson, BSc Keele, DPhil Oxon (Head of Sixth Form)
Miss K.J. Rooney, BSc Dundee (Co-Head of Upper Sixth)
Mrs F.O. White, MA Oxon
Ms H.K. Ware, BA St Andrews
Mrs A.M. Banner, BA London (Biology Technician)
Mrs M.T. Hernando, BSc, MEd Leon, MSc Complutense (Biology Technician)
Co-Head of Chemistry: Dr D. Bebbington, BSc Kent, DPhil Oxon
Co-Head of Chemistry: Dr C.L. Bell, MPhil Cantab, DPhil Oxon
Mr H.L.L. Folds, BSc Dunelm (Physics & Chemistry)
Dr R. Haver, MSc Amsterdam, DPhil Oxon
Mrs H.C. Parry, BSc Sussex
Mr D.J. Stokes, MSc Nottingham
Mrs L.R.G. Wainwright, BSc York, MSc Bristol
Mr J.F. Ham (Chemistry Technician), Dip HE Open
Mr T.O. Rust, BSc Oxford Brookes (Chemistry Technician)
Head of Classics: Mr T.J.M. Vallance, BA Cantab
Miss E.S. Haynes, BA UCL, MPhil Oxon
Mrs A.C.S. Kenyon, MA Cantab
Mr P.J. McDonald, MA Oxon (Director of Higher Education)
Miss K.E.I. Waterfield, BA, MPhil Oxon
Head of Drama: Mr A.D. Thomas, MA Cantab (History)
Assistant Head of Drama: Miss G. Hildick-Smith, MA Oxon (English)
Miss C. Phillips, BA Royal Birmingham Conservatoire
Mr B.R. Newman, BA Sheffield, MA UEA (Resident Director)
Miss L.D.V. O’Grady, BA Oxon (Resident Producer)
Head of Economics: Mr A. Wiscombe, BA Newcastle, BA London
Mr R.A. Edwards, MA Oxon, MSc London (Economics & Politics)
Mr D.W. Masters, BA Reading, MSt Oxon
Miss J.P.A. Pick, BSc Bristol
Head of English: Mr A.C. Shouler, MA, MSt Cantab
Deputy Head of English: Dr E.R. Gray, BA Cantab, MA, PhD Courtauld
Miss J.C. Coleman, BA Dunelm
Dr M. Hetherington, BA, MPhil, PhD Cantab
Miss G. Hildick-Smith, MA Oxon
Miss K.K. Murkett, BA Oxon (English & History)
Miss L.W.K. Pinching, BA Oxon
Head of Geography: Mr T.D. Booth, MA, MEd Cantab
Miss M. Jones, BA Kent
Mr N.A.P. Marshall, MA Cantab (Co-Head of Lower Sixth)
Mrs A.R. Sullivan, BSc Dunelm
Head of History: Dr M.P.H.V. Habsburg, MA, MLitt, PhD St Andrews
Dr K.E. Fellows, BA Warwick, MA Dunelm, DPhil Oxon
Mr R.A. Hemingway, BA Oxon (Head of Lower School and 2nd Form)
Mr H.W.A. Macklin, BA Cantab (Head of L4th)
Miss K.K. Murkett, BA Oxon (English & History)
Miss L.A. Taylor, BA, MSt Oxon (History & Politics)
Mr A.D. Thomas, MA Cantab
Head of Mathematics: Mrs C.A. Lewis, MA, MEng Cantab
Deputy Head of Mathematics: Mr T.J. Elton, MMath Oxon
Head of Computer Science: Mr G.P. King, MSc London
Mr W.M. Ainsworth, MMath Oxon
Mr T.P. Cooper, BSc London (Head of Middle School and 5th Form)
Mrs L.D. Earnshaw, MA Oxon
Dr A.J. Hearmon, MPhys, DPhil Oxon (Director of Studies)
Ms A.I.P. Hemming, BSc Kent
Ms B.K. King, MEng Oxon, BSc Open, PGCert Warwick
Mr K.W.H.A. Lambert-Smith, MMath Oxon
Mr S.J. Neil, BA Oxon
Mr B.T.W. Schneider, MMath Oxon
Dr P.A. Shrimpton, MA Oxon, MEd, PhD London
Mr J.R. Smart, MMath Surrey
Mr T.S. Sobey, MMath Bath (Head of 3rd Form)
Mr D.J.C. Vaccaro, MMath Oxon
Mr X. Wang, BA Cantab
Head of Modern Languages and French: Dr B.P. Thurston, BA, DPhil Oxon
Head of German: Dr S. Herrmann-Sinai, MA, Dr Phil Leipzig
Head of Mandarin: Mrs Y. Sun, BEd Hong Kong, MSc Oxon
Head of Spanish: Sra M-J. Gago, BA Madrid
Miss J.C. Attia, MA Nice (French)
Sra C.E. GarcÃa Muñoz, BA Granada, MSt Oxon (Spanish)
Srta M. Gil Lledó, BEd Castellón de la Plana (Spanish)
Ms K. Matha, BA Montpellier (French)
Dr E.K. Oliver, BA London, MA, PhD Birmingham (French and German)
Mrs M. Hou, BSc Beijing (Mandarin Assistant)
Mme F. Maw, MA Chambery, CAPES (French Assistant)
Srta M. Ramos Negrin, BA Caracas (Spanish Assistant)
Director of Music: Mr J.D. Cullen, BA York, MA London
Assistant Director of Music: Miss S. Shortland, BMus London
Head of Instrumental Music: Mr M.R.J. Jennings, BMus Edinburgh, LGSM
Head of Music Production: Mr W. T. A. Edwards, BMus York, MA London, RAM, LRAM
Miss E.H. Churcher, MA Cantab, LRSM
Mr M. Daly, BA Cardiff, MA Oxon
Mrs G. Popplewell, BA London
Mr T.J. Anderson, BMus RAM (Brass)
Miss K. Bailey, BA Oxon, ARCM (Violin)
Mr S.C. Baker, MMus Guildhall (Brass)
Mr M. Chivers, BMus Hull, PG Dip RNCM (Viola)
Miss E.H. Churcher, MA Cantab, LRSM (Piano)
Ms J.E. Cockburn, BA LTCL (Clarinet)
Mr T. P. Crehan, BMus, MMus RNCM (Violin)
Mr S. Cutting, BA West Sussex Inst., ARCM (Trumpet)
Mr A.C. Darbyshire, GRSM, Dip RCM (Oboe)
Mr P.B. Davidson, BA Middlesex (Drums)
Mr T. Dawes, BA Dunelm, MSc Oxon (Bass Guitar, Double Bass)
Mr S.W. Duffy (Bagpipes)
Miss J.A. Ellis, GRSM, LRAM, MTC, RAM (Violin)
Dr J. Faultless, BA, DPhil Oxon, MST (Horn)
Mr C.L. Hadland, BMus PG Dip LCM, LLCM (Orchestral Percussion)
Mr B.J. Hall, BA Oxon (Piano)
Miss E. Hargreaves, MA Oxon, MMus Cantab (Singing)
Miss E. Harré, GRSM, LRAM (Double Bass)
Mr R.J. Howarth, BA York (Piano)
Mr M.R. Jones, BA Dunelm, LTCL (Piano)
Mr P. Manhood, ATCL, BTech Shrewsbury (Guitar)
Mr D.C. McNaughton, BA Oxon (Trumpet)
Miss M. Nasidlak, MA Krakow Academy of Music (Piano)
Mrs O. Payne, BMus, MMus, Dip RCM (Piano)
Mrs R.A. Pedley (Viola and Violin)
Mr M. Pickett, BA Bristol (Piano)
Mr W. Purefoy, BA Oxon (Singing)
Mr E.D. Rooney, BA Exeter (Piano)
Miss P. Simon, MusB Manchester (Piano)
Mrs C. E. Sutton Williams, MA RAM (Singing)
Mr H.S. Trentham, BA Birmingham, ABSM (Cello)
Mr B. Twyford (Drumkit)
Mrs J.C. Twyford, BA, ALCM (Singing)
Mr T.D. Wakerell, BMus, MMus RAM (Organ)
Mrs L.M. Watson, BMus LRAM (Bassoon)
Ms S.C. West, BMus Birmingham (Harp, Theory)
Mr O. Weston, BA Leeds (Saxophone)
Dr J.P. Whitworth, MA, DPhil Oxon (Guitar)
Ms E.L. Williams, BMus RCM (Flute)
Mr S.J. Wilson, BA Oxon (Cello)
Mr P. Wisby, BA Falmouth, PGCert Reading, LLCM (Guitar)
Head of Philosophy: Mr J.P. Unwin, BA Dunelm
Head of Physics: Dr J.C. Petersen, BSc Western Australia, PhD Simon Fraser
Ms S-J. Arthurs, BSc London
Mr H.L.L. Folds, BSc Dunelm (Physics & Chemistry)
Miss A.F. Holland, BSc Liverpool, MA London (Co-Head of Lower Sixth)
Dr M.H.N. Rigby, MPhys Oxon, DPhil Oxon
Dr D.W. Roche, BEng London, PhD Cantab
Mr J.W. Bibby, BSc Warwick
Mrs C.J. Charles, BSc Reading (Physics Technician)
Mrs M. Hou, BSc Beijing (Physics Technician)
Head of Politics: Mr R.A. Edwards, MA Oxon, MSc London (Co-Head of Upper Sixth)
Miss L.A. Taylor, BA, MSt Oxon (History & Politics)
Director of Sport: Mr E.T. Dupée, BSc Nottingham Trent
Mr G.C. Atkin, BSc Staffordshire, MSc Bristol (Head of Rowing)
Mr G.T. Hamer, BSc Worcester (Head of Football)
Miss L.J. Hynes, BSc Leeds Beckett (Head of Girls’ Games)
Mr M. Penton, BA Exeter (Head of Basketball, Surmaster)
Miss E.L. Scott, BSc Brunel (Head of Rugby)
Mr G.E. Setterfield (Head of Junior School Sport)
Mr D.C. Trick (Head of Cricket)
Mr D. Tuck, BSc Edinburgh (Head of Tennis and Badminton)
Mr J.P. Unwin, BA Dunelm (Head of Sailing)
Mr M.K. Wilson, BA Canterbury Christ Church (Head of Hockey, Sport and PE)
Mr R. Cooke (Rugby Professional)
Mr A.A. Duncan (Cricket Professional)
Mr M.S. Hughes, BA Staffordshire, MA London (Hockey Professional)
Mr J.A. Lamerton, BSc Gloucestershire, MSc Brighton (Athletic Development Coach)
Mr C.J. Lion-Cachet (JS Sports Waynflete Intern)
Mr W.A. Munro (Rowing Professional)
Mr S. Pahl, BSc Brunel (Contingent Commander CCF)
Mr J.A.C. Pearson (Sailing Professional)
Mr B.S. Pope (Tennis Professional)
Mr S.A. Spowart, BA Oxon (Master of Boats)
Mr T. Tatford (Football Professional)
Mr C.A. Winder (JS Sports Waynflete Intern)
Head of Theology: Mr T. Blackburn, BA Oxon, MPhil London
Miss V. O. T. Clay, BA Cantab
The Revd Dr A. T. Shamel, BA Dartmouth, MDiv Church Divinity School of the Pacific, MA Graduate Theological Union, DPhil Oxon (Chaplain)
Dr A.I. Kostyanovsky, BA Moscow, PhD Manchester
Head of Learning Support: Mrs L.E. Mehrabian, BA Wales, MA Nottingham
Inclusion Lead: Miss F.J. Amswych, BA Birmingham, PGCert SpLD York
Junior School Learning Support Coordinator: Miss J.M. Brown, BA London Metropolitan, PGCert Oxford Brookes
Mrs K.E. Burns, BSc East Anglia
Dr S. J. A. Assinder, BA, MSt Oxon, PhD Cantab (Classics)
Miss J. L. Becker, BA Cantab (Biology)
Mr L.S. Bekirsky, BA York, MPP Paris, MGA Toronto (Politics and Economics)
Miss M. Bellotti, BA Oxon (Music)
Ms B. R. Caygill, BA Birmingham (Spanish)
Ms C. R. Everett-Pite, MA Oxon (English)
Ms I. Kis, BSc London (Biology Projects)
Mrs V. Kruger, MA Cologne (German)
Mr Z.T. Moffat, BA Oxon (Theology)
Miss S. Mukherjee, BA Exeter, MPhil Cantab (French)
Mr T.L. Pitcher, MChem Oxon (Chemistry)
Mr A. Porteous, BA, MPhil Oxon (Arabic)
Mr M. Rajamane Rajendra, BA Oxon (Law)
Mr. T.H.S. Rushbrooke, BA Cambridge, MA Amsterdam (Philosophy)
Dr P. Spanou, MA St Andrews, MSt, DPhil Oxon (History and Politics)
Mr I.J.M. West (Geography)
Ms D. Zhang, BA, MPhil China, MSt Oxon (Mandarin)
Mrs S.M. King, RGN
Mrs E.J. Muir, RGN
Mrs A.C. Willis, RGN
Dr E.C. McKenzie-Edwards, BSc MBBS London, Medical Admissions Advisor
Dr S.D. Osborne, BSc Nottingham, MSc Oxon, PsychD Roehampton
Librarian: Dr K.L. Scott, BA Harvard, MA, PhD Stanford
Library Assistant: Mrs I.A. Harrison, BA Manchester
Junior School Librarian: Mrs L. Brooks, BA London, MA London
PA to the Master: Mrs A.L. Sweeney, BA Bristol
International Director: Dr T. Ward, BA Fudan, MA SOAS, PhD Cantab
School Administrator: Mrs J.A. Linzey, Cert Ed London
PA to the Usher: Mrs I.B. Hilton, BA Wolverhampton, MA Oxford Brookes
PA to the Deputy Head (Academic): Mrs H.K. Dalitz, BA Oxon
PA to the Deputy Head (Education Development): Ms C.M. Engin, MA Edinburgh
Bursar: Mrs K.A. Nicholson, BComm, Canberra ICAA
PA to the Bursar: Miss S.D. Small
Finance Director: Mr C.P. Smith, BA Lancaster
Compliance Officer: Miss C.E. Lowe, MA, MSt Oxon
Finance Manager: Ms N. Dragun, BA Belarus Inst. Nat. Econ.
Payroll and Purchase Officer: Miss K. Sinnott
Finance Assistant: Mrs P.A. Walter
Director of HR: Mrs J.C. Wright, Level 5 ILM
HR Manager: Mrs G.L. Workman, BSc Newcastle, Level 5 CIPD
Recruitment Officer: Miss Y. Molcanova
PA to Head of Junior School: Miss A. Campbell, MA Manchester
Junior School Secretary (AM): Ms A.K.Y. Lau, MA Hong Kong
Junior School Secretary (PM): Mrs K.M. Hicks
Supervisor to the Choristers: Mrs E. Adams, BDS London
Head Receptionist: Miss L.J. Thatcher
Receptionist: Mrs E.T. Fazekasne Szanto, BSc Szolnok
SCR Reprographics and Administrative Assistant: Ms C.E. Cozier
SCR Administrator and Reprographics Assistant: Miss V. Mondragon, BA Monterrey
Registrar: Mrs A. Green, BA Huddersfield
Admissions Manager: Ms E. Bolton, BA Kent, MSc Soton
Admissions Manager: Mrs C.E. Townsend, BA Sheffield
Admissions Manager: Mrs J.W. Downing, BA Dunelm, MA Oxford Brookes
Admissions Officer: Miss B.A. Jones, BA Oxon
Marketing & Communications Director: Mrs K. Keating, BA Liverpool
Digital Marketing Manager: Mr H.T.J. Nott, BA Oxford Brookes, PGCert London
Director: Mrs S.J. Baker, MA Cantab
Director of Alumni Relations: Mr A.C. Cooper, BA Lancaster, MSc Oxon
Head of Development Services: Mrs A. Hood, BSc Miami University
Head of Data Management: Ms I.M. Raeburn, MA Oxon
Head of Philanthropy: Ms A.H. Thompson, BSc UEA
Communications & Events Executive: Miss S. Z. Smith, BA Leeds
Archivist: Ms C.J. Lewis, BA Winchester, MA Leicester
Art Archivist: Mrs M. Finnis, MA Courtauld
Festival Director: Dr M. Castelletti, BA, DipSacMus Malta, MMus, PhD Kent, MSt Oxon, FRSA
Festival Administrator: Mrs M. Ticeric
Director of IT: Dr P. Othen, BSc London, DPhil Oxon
IT Operations Manager: Mr M. Warren
Web Developer: Miss J.L. Clarke, BA Oxon
IT Systems Engineer: Mr P. Jaworski, BPhys Bialystok
Senior IT Technician: Mr M.S. Fendryk, BEng Legnica
AV Technician: Mr F. Casey-Day
Apprentice IT Technician: Mr L.D. Green
Mrs C. Stevenson, BSc Aston
Mrs M.C. Brine
Mrs S. Durodie, BComm Curtin, MSc CUNY New York
Ms J.R. Fleming
Mrs M.C. Ma, BBA Hong Kong
Mr P.J. Dollimore
Mr P.D.C. Lowe
School Surveyor: Mr H.D.C. Caldwell, MSc London South Bank, MBA Oxford Brookes
Maintenance and Operations Manager: Mr D. Minns
Estates Team Administrator: Miss J. Molcanova
Maintenance Supervisor: TBC
Maintenance Operatives: Mr M.J. Bridges, Mr C.J. Coltart, Mr R. Diaz-Herrera, Mr K. Evans, Mr S.J. Ryan, Mr R. Smith
Head Caretaker: Mr G. Holloway
Grounds Manager: Mr S.M. Webber
Head Groundsperson: Mr A.T. Thompson
Groundsperson: Mr D.R.P. Bargus, Mr M.I. Cofield, Mr G. Harris, Mr L.I. Sturgess, Mr T.D. Thomas
Apprentice Groundsperson: Mr A. Baughan, Mr K. Shelton