We believe that if our boys are happy there is no end to what they can achieve. Their social, spiritual and academic care is extremely important in shaping their future.


Pastoral care from day one

Class teachers are our boys’ first point of contact and guide them through the daily routines patiently and with a great deal of humour. Induction, Coffee Mornings and Parents Evening in the first term help to establish a lasting bond. Year Group parent reps also facilitate this by sharing information.

Before arriving, each new boy is paired with a Buddy, a carefully chosen ‘new’ friend from the year above who will act as a companion. Each Buddy writes to an incoming boy about himself, what he enjoys and what life is like in the Junior School. It is usually a very proud moment when these letters are presented on Induction day and they often go on to be cherished in later years. Buddies help our new boys navigate their first few days and often remain friends throughout their time at the school.

Each Form has a Code of Conduct agreed and often constructed by the boys themselves and the whole school follows the general rule ‘All boys should behave sensibly and well’.

Our House System

There is a healthy House System with each boy joining either Holt, Millard, More, Ogle, Tyndale or Wolsey. This is an ideal opportunity for younger and older boys to mix and widen their circle of friends within a very short space of time. Weekly House lunches provide an informal way for boys to get to know each other and their House tutor. House Competitions including Hockey, Cricket, Rugby and Chess take place as well as Poetry Recitation, House Music and a General Knowledge Quiz. House Captains help to coordinate this. There is something to appeal to everyone and boys genuinely enjoy helping each other, working as part of a team and striving to do their best. Our focus is to promote good behaviour through praise and positive reinforcement of our core dispositions such as kindness and teamwork.

Our ethos

The ethos of the school actively promotes open dialogue between boys and staff. Each class discusses issues and a nominated School Council representative airs these views at whole Junior School Council Meetings with the Head.

The Medical Centre

There is a dedicated Medical Centre in the Junior School, with full-time health professionals. From first aid to counseling, Junior School boys can benefit from on-site health provision during term-time.



"Each Form has a Code of Conduct agreed and often constructed by the boys themselves and the whole school follows the general rule ‘All boys should behave sensibly and well’."


Prefects enable Junior School boys to give their very best, interact, ask questions and feel comfortable around school. J3 and J4 boys are used as guides on Open Morning for prospective pupils and parents and lead the boys in ways to look after the Junior School. The boys are very supportive of each other and this helps their personal development, enabling them to feel positive about themselves. There is a clear atmosphere of tolerance, acceptance and appreciation among them.