By Oscar B-N: 

“Thank you to everyone who took part in our 9th annual MUN conference this weekend. Around 250 delegates representing 25 schools from all over the country attended, some of them coming from as far as Glasgow. The conference was led by Secretary General Sammy McD and his Deputies Oscar B-N, Bea H and Alex U, in addition to a team of twenty Sixth Formers who chaired individual committee debates. Debates ranged from vaccine distribution to the Vietnam war, with all delegates showing an impressive range of knowledge on their topics.

For our guest speaker, we were delighted to have acclaimed Women’s Right Activist and Afghanistan’s first Schwarzman scholar, Sveto Muhammed Ishoq who offered an insightful combination of political expertise and personal experience. Her speech was highlighted the many challenges Afghan women face every day and called for further action by the youth to help stabilise and lead the international community forward.

Overshadowing the conference was the awareness of the importance of international cooperation over the war in Ukraine, a topic which was also debated, crucially resulting a resolution for a ceasefire passed by the Security Council, a significant achievement in today’s divided world. An emergency scenario was also sparked by an assassination of the Israeli Prime Minister, and in another remarkable move towards international cooperation a resolution was passed by the General Assembly demanding a no-fly zone over Iran. Best MCS delegate was David B (representing India), highly commended Mantas R (India) and commended Sasha L (Iran) and Alex V (Myanmar).”