Music Tuition Application Form

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  • Introduction

  • We believe that the chance to learn an instrument is a very important part of the educational experience of every boy and girl. Many pupils arrive at MCS already learning an instrument; others find the change to a new school a good opportunity to take up an instrument for the first time, or indeed take up a second instrument. If your son or daughter currently learns an instrument and is happy with their teacher, then we would encourage them to continue with that teacher – he or she will still be welcome to take part in all the music activities within the school. If he or she wishes to learn an instrument in school, then we would be pleased to organise lessons (or advise which instrument would be most suitable).

    The Music Department has an expert team of over 40 visiting staff to meet a large demand for instrumental tuition. Tuition upon all the major keyboard and orchestral instruments is offered, as well as singing, guitar, saxophone, bass guitar, drum kit, percussion and harp.

    Individual music lessons are organised on a rotation basis, in which the pupil misses a different academic period each week. This system works well. Any problems that are encountered are quickly dealt with as much to the individual pupil’s benefit as is reasonably possible. Sixth form pupils attend their lessons during private study or other non-academic time. A minimum of one full term’s notice in writing is required if tuition is to be ceased. Full details concerning the conditions under which tuition is administered are given on the next page.

    The department has some of its own instruments for hire and may offer a period of free tuition upon these to deserving candidates. Standard instrument hire is £25 per term. Junior School pupils have their own schemes designed to provide experience on the violin and other instruments. If a purchase needs to be made then guidance should be sought from the staff at MCS.

    Lessons are available in the following:

    Double Bass
    French Horn
    Classical Guitar
    Bass Guitar
    Orchestral Percussion
    Drum Kit
    Jazz Piano

    Tuition may be requested using the following form.

    John Mann
    Head of Instrumental Music
    November 2022

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Requesting tuition. Tuition may be requested at any time during a pupil’s school career. This should be made in writing to the Head of Instrumental Music by parents. Where the request cannot be immediately accommodated, the pupil’s name will be put onto a waiting list and he/she will be offered tuition at the earliest possible opportunity.

    Cancelling tuition. A full term’s notice must be given in writing to the Head of Instrumental Music for ceasing tuition. In practice this means that due notice should be received before the start of the term at the end of which the pupil stops. Fees are liable to the teacher in lieu of the appropriate notice.

    Frequency of tuition. Tuition will normally be given on a weekly basis. The number of lessons given in each term may vary according to the length of the term, the number of teaching days available and the pupils’ other commitments. In some terms, therefore, he or she may receive 12 lessons and in others 8, but the intention is to provide 30 lessons over the course of a full school year.

    Fees. The cost of music tuition can be found here. Lessons are charged in arrears at the end of each term, as are any additional costs for music, reeds, strings, exam entry etc.

    Timetabling. Timetables are devised and administered by the Head of Instrumental Music and the Music Administrator and are displayed in the lobby of the Music School, on the school intranet and individual lessons are shown on the Parent Portal. Pupils are advised to check these regularly since it is often necessary to make adjustments. For pupils below the Sixth Form timetables normally operate on a rotational basis. At this level, pupils will not normally be favoured with personalised timings. However, pupils are encouraged to discuss with the Director of Music any problems that arise. Given sufficient notice (at least 24 hours), the timetable can normally be rearranged to help the individual avoid clashes with academic exams, sporting fixtures, important tests, and the like. Sixth formers receive tuition during their study periods or other free time. Pupils wishing to change a lesson should see the Administrator in person. Changes in lesson times are communicated to pupils via their school email account.

    Junior School. J1 pupils are given experience on string, brass and woodwind instruments during class music lessons and parents may wish to request instrumental lessons following these trials. Pupils in the Junior School have a timetable sent to their classrooms at the end of each week giving timings of their lessons for the following week. Copies are also posted in the entrance to the Junior School, on Firefly and individual lesson times are shown on the Parent Portal. Instrumental teachers will meet JS boys in at the JS Reception for their lessons each week. There are no fixed lessons for Junior School boys unless they learn more than one instrument, in which case one set of lessons may be fixed outside academic lessons if possible.

    Absence from lessons. The pupil will not be charged for any lesson for which the teacher is not present. Pupils are liable for the cost of any lessons that they miss, be it through illness or another commitment. Where a missed lesson is the fault of neither party then the school will bear the cost.

    Parent-teacher contact. Direct contact between parents and instrumental teachers is encouraged, although the Head of Instrumental Music and the Head of Junior School Music should be kept informed of any developments. JS parents are warmly invited to observe a lesson and meet the instrumental teacher as advertised in the JS Journal during the course of the academic year. An instrumental report is issued at the end of each term.

    External tuition. It is assumed that pupils receiving tuition in MCS are only receiving tuition on that instrument in school. Any external tuition in addition to this is strongly discouraged; our experience is that pupils often feel torn between two different teaching styles when learning the same instrument from two adults.

    Insurance. Pupils who borrow a school instrument are responsible for its care and safety. Instruments will be supplied in good working order and are to be kept in good condition. Any damage, other than ‘fair wear and tear’, must be reported to the Head of Instrumental Music immediately and will be charged. Parents are advised to take out all-risks insurance cover because they will be liable for loss or damage. In order to insure the instrument you will need to provide the insurance company with the serial number and approximate value. This information will be provided by the instrumental teacher or Music Administrator.

    Storage. Pupils may safely leave their instruments in the locked instrument store in the department. The school insurance does not cover an instrument unless it is under lock and key in the music department. All instruments and cases must be clearly named.

    The information provided on this form will be processed electronically and is subject to the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation of 2018. Our privacy policy can be found at