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Dear OWs and Friends,

Greetings from MCS! We hope you enjoyed last week’s VE Day anniversary celebrations. Below we share the master’s Virtual Chapel address on this commemoration, which includes reference to OWs Brian Cairns’s (1948)  and Leo Goldschmidt’s (1950) accounts of that day.

Whilst the school gates are open only to the children of Key Workers, MCS nonetheless remains a source of energy and creativity, with radio plays, virtual Rose Garden tours, and original music compositions to keep us entertained and inspired.  We’re also pleased to share that pupils will be benefitting from an broad array of electives this term including cooking, personal finance, touch typing, interview techniques, and rock painting.

More news awaits you below.


Virtual Chapel – VE Day Remembrances

In this week’s Virtual Chapel vodcast, the Master remembers those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in WWII.  She also shares the vivid VE Day account of Leo Goldschmidt (OW 1950), who came to England and then MCS from war-torn Europe.

75 years on, Leo has become one of the school’s most generous donors, saying he made his gifts as a tribute to MCS and the British government for supporting him during the War. Leo’s oral history account of VE day can be viewed here.

The Master also refers to Brian Cairns’s (OW 1948) jubilant recount of the day, which you can still view here.


Thank you to our Key Workers

This week’s #ThankYouFromMCS goes to two medics from the class of 2014 who have graduated early to become junior doctors supporting the pandemic.

Oxford medic Miranda Rogers (OW 2014) said: “I’ve graduated early and am now working in the Paediatric department in the John Radcliffe hospital covering the junior doctor workload (as the juniors have been drafted to critical care). Here I am at my surreal graduation – at work, with my mortarboard, scrubs and bleep…”

Cambridge medic Harry Potts (OW 2014) also completed his education early to join Addenbrookes hospital on the Respiratory ward.

Thank you, Miranda and Harry!


Notes from a Small Island

Sir Richard Gozney (OW 1969) is currently serving as Lieutenant Governer on the Isle of Man.  As part of our Pandemic Papers initiative, he has kindly written an account of how life on the Island has been affected by the current health crisis.

OW NHS Fundraiser

Spot the difference – notice anything missing from Jim Hawker (OW 1992)?

Jim’s recent fundraiser to benefit the NHS raised an incredible £6,000+. Or should we say it was a ‘hair-raising’ amount … 


Rose Garden Virtual tour 

Have a virtual wander through a very quiet but stunning Rose Garden and School Field, courtesy of this video made by MCS Librarian Liisa Agren last week. 

Hardship and Bursary Fundraising

We now have a picture of the current MCS families who are facing hardship in light of the current pandemic. The School has reduced fees by 15% for Trinity Term in recognition of the challenges that the situation presents to parents.

It is of course likely that this will not be a short term problem for our current families, and we may lose pupils who would otherwise have applied to us. Bursaries will be the main focus of our fundraising in the months and years to come.

If you can help, you can make a gift through the website, or contact Susie Baker in the Waynflete Office.


Update your details

We really appreciate OWs and Friends updating us when their contact details change – so we can stay in touch!

If anything changes for you, please notify us via the new online form on our website.  This will continuously be available, so can be accessed at any point in future.


And finally…

MCS teachers Mr Thomas and Mr Vallance have created a new song during lockdown, entitled “When we meet again”. Enjoy!

“When we meet again, we will all be wiser – perhaps much nicer- beginning life anew…”

And don’t forget to tune into the second episode of When we Meet Again, the original eight-part MCS radio drama, from 6pm on Friday.


Keeping in Touch

As always, we are thinking of you and endeavour to help you feel connected to the school during this unprecedented time. 

You can keep in touch with the school on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, as well as the Waynflete Office on our Facebook and Twitter.

If you would like to organise a virtual reunion, or reach out to long lost school friends, please let us know via email. The MCS Strava group is also serving to keep members of the MCS community healthy, connected and motivated.

We particularly look forward to receiving your notes for the Pandemic Papers – and thanks to those who have already submitted.  Keep us posted via social media, by telephone (07501 373933) and email:

In the meantime, we wish you good health. Our gratitude always goes to members of our community who are on the frontlines of this pandemic, helping to keep the country going.

With best wishes,

Susie, Alan, Maddy, Allison and Rob

The virtual Waynflete Office

Magdalen College School
Oxford OX4 1DZJoin us in supporting bursaries at MCS 

Update your details

Phone: 07501 373933


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